Tell Georgia You Support "Going Big" in Trump Criminal Case

While the New York Trump case has been in the news, a criminal investigation of Trump has also been underway in Georgia. And it looks like it is poised to go big:

"In Georgia, however, there is another criminal investigation of Mr. Trump nearing completion, this one also led by a local prosecutor, Fani T. Willis of Fulton County. While nothing is certain, there are numerous signs that she may go big, with a more kaleidoscopic indictment charging not only Mr. Trump, but perhaps a dozen or more of his allies. Her investigation has targeted a wide range of conduct centered around efforts to subvert the democratic process and overturn Mr. Trump's 2020 election loss. Nearly 20 people are already known to have been told that they are targets who could face charges, including Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump's former personal lawyer, and David Shafer, the head of the Georgia Republican Party." (Source: NYT)

Show your support, and tell Willis you will have her back if she does this.

It was Georgia where officials received multiple calls from Trump, trying to steal the election, including the infamous one where he pressured them to "find" enough votes to overturn the results. A call was also received from Trump ally and sycophant Lindsey Graham, suggesting that ballots could thrown out in targeted areas.

Georgia officials have every right to charge Trump, Graham, Giuliani and whoever else tried to steal the election. And if Willis chooses to go big, we need to let her know that the people are behind her.

Show Your Support: Tell Georgia to "Go Big" in Trump Criminal Case.

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