Say NO to Animal Cruelty! Bring Justice in LVJC Case No. 16F12698X

  • av: Mike Korn
  • mottagare: Clark County (NV) District Attorney Steve Wolfson

UPDATE #2: Arraignment was postponed and is now scheduled for 10AM on 09/08/2016. Accused remains in custody.

UPDATE: This matter has been bound over to Las Vegas District Court, case #C317440. Initial arraignment is scheduled for 10AM on 08/24/2016. Signatures are now being forwarded to Clark County (NV) District Attorney Steven Wolfson. Thanks to ALL for your support!

"LAS VEGAS (KSNV) - Danny Webb is behind bars at the Clark County Detention Center and accused of throwing a puppy off a third story apartment balcony. The dog was eventually euthanized by a veterinarian." Continue Reading

Dear District Attorney Wolfson:

 We, the undersigned, fully support you and your office's continued efforts in combating animal cruelty in Clark County. Swift justice and harsh punishments will help make a difference. With that being said, we graciously request that LVJC Case No.16F12698X be prosecuted to it's fullest extent. Thank you for your time and concern regarding this matter.


Citizens Concerned for the Welfare of Animals

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
This case has been bound over to Las Vegas District Court, #C317440. Arraignment is scheduled for 10AM on 08/24/2016. The petition is now closed and ALL signatures are being forwarded to Clark County (NV) District Attorney Steven Wolfson. Thank you for your support!
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