Demand the Government of Victoria Stops Mining its Brown Coal Deposits

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews

The state of Victoria is to review whether or not it will continue to fund coal projects, according to a report in The Guardian.

The Victorian government announced the review of coal development projects after a demonstration plant that was set to receive federal and state funding failed to attract investment from the private sector.

Victoria has the second largest brown-coal deposits in the world. The burning of this fossil fuel makes Victorians among the most greenhouse polluting people on the planet (per capita). Brown coal creates more pollution than black coal and natural gas. Of course, brown coal produces much more pollution than renewable energy such as solar and wind.

The planet cannot afford countries like Australia to continue using this dirty fossil fuel to generate power. Will you join me in demanding the Government of Victoria ceases mining the state's brown coal deposits?

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