This Baby Red Panda Died From Fear of Fireworks. Justice for Roxie!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Scottish and UK Governments

Innocent animals suffer from the distress caused by loud fireworks every year, and sadly, this year is no different. This past Bonfire Night, a three-month-old red panda named Roxie died at Edinburgh Zoo. Vets believe Roxie died due to stress induced by fireworks. Fireworks bring fear, anxiety, and danger to both domestic pets and zoo animals, and must be better regulated.

Sign the petition to demand the Scottish and UK Governments ban the public sale of fireworks and only allow them at organized events!

Despite having access to a den, the overwhelming noise was too much for Roxie, causing her to choke in distress and tragically die.

Zoological experts support a ban on public sales, advocating that fireworks should only be used at organized events to minimize the widespread distress they cause.

The UK currently restricts firework use overnight, except during specific festivals, yet these regulations are not enough to prevent incidents like Roxie's. Scottish authorities have taken steps by allowing local firework control zones, but without a comprehensive ban, the risks remain.

Sign the petition to urge the Scottish and UK governments to enact stricter laws that ban the public sale of fireworks.

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