Tell the NYT: Don't Sexualize Trans People

On May 12 the New York Times ran a piece about a suspicious fire in Brooklyn where trans woman of color Lorena Escalera sadly died. Far from focusing on the facts of the case, the report included sensationalistic and sexualizing descriptions of her as "curvacious" and noted her "hourglass figure."

GLAAD has brought this matter to the NYT's attention already, whereby an editor called it a "poor choice of words" as though this ended the matter. At a time when anti-trans sentiment is high and sexualization of trans people still means they are denied basic civil rights, this is not good enough.

We the undersigned ask the NYT to print an apology acknowledging why the story was so deeply offensive, and to highlight the prejudice and discrimination trans people face in all spheres of life.

Dear Ms Ryan,

On May 12 the New York Times ran a piece about a suspicious fire in Brooklyn where trans woman of color Lorena Escalera sadly died. Far from focusing on the facts of the case, the report included sensationalistic and sexualizing descriptions of her as "curvacious" and noted her "hourglass figure."

GLAAD has brought this matter to the NYT's attention already, whereby you called it a "poor choice of words" as though that ended the matter. At a time when anti-trans sentiment is high and sexualization of trans people still means they are denied basic civil rights, this is not good enough.

We the undersigned ask that the NYT print an apology acknowledging why the story was so deeply offensive, and that it highlight the prejudice and discrimination trans people face in all spheres of life.

Thank you for your time,

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