Stop Plans to Destroy Pristine Wildlife and Beaches!

  • av: Ann W
  • mottagare: V.P. Joseph Biden, The Honduras Government

For centuries, the Garifuna people have called the beautiful, almost untouched beaches off the Atlantic coastline of Honduras, home. As we all know it is becoming increasingly rare to find such an unspoiled location. However, this hasn’t stopped land developers from being able to grab the land to build tourist attractions with the full support of the Honduras Military Government! Even worse, Vice President Joe Biden proposed funding by the U.S Government to the tune of at least a billion dollars! In addition to the environmental destruction, the nonviolent Garifuna people are at risk of being evicted from their homes and they need help!

Without intervention, the beaches, waters, coral reefs and wildlife will be devastated. While the argument can be made that such changes will improve life for the people of the area, according to Jeff Abbott of the citizens are not allowed a voice in these changes:

"We are all suffering the same situation." Abbott writes."We are all being evicted from our lands. The state has decided to exclude the communities from the national conversation."

We are all stewards of the earth, and we have a responsibility to be proactive in its protection!

Please tell Vice President Joe Biden and the Honduras Military Government to protect this area and to leave the Garifuna people alone!

Dear V.P. Joseph Biden; The Honduras Government

We (the undersigned) are concerned about the proposed initiative to develop areas of the Honduras Coast Line. On the surface, the intentions to do this sounds like a good idea, but it cannot and should not be done without the input of the people who live in the area; specifically the Garifuna community members.

These citizens will be evicted from an area of the world that has managed to remain pristine. Everything from the beautifully clear waters, to the wildlife and many other natural habitats that will be destroyed through industrialization. How many tourist attractions does the world need? We, as human beings, have the responsibility to protect the earth by applying the motto "First do no harm."


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