Clarence Clemons Stamp

[NOTE: The image above is a signature-graphic designed to raise awareness of this campaign. It is not meant to convey or suggest the final design of a stamp honoring Clarence Clemons, nor to express or imply any endorsement of this campaign by the United States Postal Service.]

The beloved Clarence "Big Man" Clemons was the saxophonist and an original member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band (now scheduled for induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in April 2014) for almost four decades.  His distinctive playing was an essential contribution in the creation of many of Springsteen's best-known works, including "Rosalita", "Born To Run", "Jungleland", "Badlands", "Dancing In The Dark" and "Land Of Hope And Dreams."  Clarence became a mythic figure as well as a comic foil, wise counsel and loyal sidekick in a series of onstage skits regularly performed with Springsteen between or during songs.  Together on record and in concert, Clemons and Springsteen created an enduring symbol of friendship and the power of music in confronting racism.  Despite many painful health problems in his later years, Clarence remained professionally active until very shortly before his death in 2011, and he never missed a scheduled show with the E Street Band.  Clemons also was a highly respected musician and actor who worked with many other legends throughout his long career, including Ringo Starr, Aretha Franklin, Robert De Niro, Martin Scorcese and Lady Gaga.


With great love and respect for Clarence "Big Man" Clemons and all of the wonderful music and memories he has left for us, we who’ve signed this petition respectfully request that the U.S. Postal Service Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee authorize the creation of a U.S. postage stamp honoring the life and work of Clarence Clemons.  We also respectfully suggest that such a stamp would make a wonderful addition to the Postal Service's ongoing Music Icons series.

The beloved Clarence "Big Man" Clemons was the saxophonist and an original member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band (now scheduled for induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in April 2014) for almost four decades.  His distinctive playing was an essential contribution in the creation of many of Springsteen's best-known works, including "Rosalita", "Born To Run", "Jungleland", "Badlands" and "Dancing In The Dark."  Clarence became a mythic figure as well as a comic foil, wise counsel and loyal sidekick in a series of onstage skits regularly performed with Springsteen between or during songs.  Together on record and in concert, Clemons and Springsteen created an enduring symbol of friendship and the power of music in confronting racism.  Despite many painful health problems in his later years, Clarence remained professionally active until very shortly before his death in 2011, and he never missed a scheduled show with the E Street Band.  Clemons also was a highly respected musician and actor who worked with many other legends throughout his long career, including Ringo Starr, Aretha Franklin, Robert De Niro, Martin Scorcese and Lady Gaga.

With great love and respect for Clarence "Big Man" Clemons and all of the wonderful music and memories he has left for us, we who’ve signed this petition respectfully request that the U.S. Postal Service Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee authorize the creation of a U.S. postage stamp honoring the life and work of Clarence Clemons.  We also respectfully suggest that such a stamp would make a wonderful addition to the Postal Service's ongoing Music Icons series.

Uppdatera #111 år sedan
Thanks for signing! Our online petition now closes with over 5200 signatures. Hundreds more signed at events on NJ's first Clarence Clemons Day (January 11, 2014.) Copies of all signatures will be sent to the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee for consideration/approval, likely to take some time, of course. Keep checking and/or for updated news as it occurs. Thanks again, everyone. We hope to announce a Clarence Clemons stamp as soon as possible!
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