These Puppies Were Found Abandoned and Covered in Their Own Excrement

People in Wichita, Kansas are singing the praises of a man simply called "Hero Wes." That's because when Wes — a maintenance worker — went to check on a busted water pipe in an apartment complex, he discovered way more than a plumbing disaster. When he entered the apartment he was bombarded with the pungent odor of filth, and as he inspected further, he saw something he couldn't believe — two pit bull puppies, locked in a small plastic kennel, that were ankle-deep in their own feces and urine.

But that was only half of the horror he saw. When he got closer he noticed that someone had put rubber bands around their muzzles. These dogs were in dire shape and had they not been found by Wes they could have very likely died a horrific death.

First of all, rubber bands cut off circulation. When "Hero Wes" found the dogs, their mouths had already been muzzled for around 12 hours. According to a vet who treated the two dogs — now named Wilson and Violet — if Wes had arrived any later the dogs would have suffered permanent damage. Their lip tissue could have even fallen off.

Violet and Wilson's previous owner obviously didn't care what happened to their dogs, but that doesn't mean they had to treat them like trash. They could have given them up to people who would have gladly taken care of them, but instead, they decided to abandon them, and in the most disgusting state imaginable. That's animal cruelty and it should be punished.

According to reports the police know who the person is but he has yet to be taken into custody, that needs to change. The dogs' previous owner, should face punishment for what they've done.

Please sign the petition and tell the Wichita Police Department you want justice for Violet and Wilson. Tell them to arrest and prosecute this animal abuser. 

Photo credit: Facebook
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