Ban Hunting of Red Panda in China

  • av: Nyack Clancy
  • mottagare: President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping

Pandas are fast approaching the endangered species list, and extinction, as there is a 40% decrease in red panda populations reported in China over the last 50 years, and populations in western Himalayan areas are considered to be lower.

They are loosing their habitat to domestic livestock grazing, and rapid deforestation, while the biggest threat in China seems to be hunting and poaching. Red pandas are often sold to private collectors and zoos at exorbitant prices.

In Southwest China, red pandas are hunted for their fur, especially for the highly valued bushy tails from which hats are produced. In these areas, the fur is often used for local cultural ceremonies, such as "good luck" charms to newlyweds at weddings.

We ask China to put a moratorium on hunting red pandas as they are facing extinction from too many factors.

President of the People's Republic of China
Excellency Xi Jinping
Xi Chang’an Jie
Beijing 100017
Phone: + 86 10 6307 0913
Fax: + 86 10 6307 0900

Pandas are fast approaching the endangered species list, and extinction, as there is a 40% decrease in red panda populations reported in China over the last 50 years, and populations in western Himalayan areas are considered to be lower.

They are loosing their habitat to domestic livestock grazing, and rapid deforestation, while the biggest threat in China seems to be hunting and poaching. Red pandas are often sold to private collectors and zoos at exorbitant prices.

In Southwest China, red pandas are hunted for their fur, especially for the highly valued bushy tails from which hats are produced. In these areas, the fur is often used for local cultural ceremonies, such as "good luck" charms to newlyweds at weddings.

We ask China to put a moritorium on hunting red pandas as they are facing extinction from too many factors.

President of the People's Republic of China
Excellency Xi Jinping
Xi Chang’an Jie
Beijing 100017
Phone: + 86 10 6307 0913
Fax: + 86 10 6307 0900

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