Save Bears from Being Buried Alive in Appalachia!

For nearly two decades, mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining has been destroying Appalachia's natural landscape and wildlife habitats.

Recently, a native woodsman witnessed bulldozers covering the entrance of a black bear den with debris, leaving a crying mother bear and her cubs trapped inside to die.

In addition to hurting bears, the bulldozing and explosions involved in MTR destroy flying squirrel, salamander, mussel and other native animal habitats.

Please sign the petition to convince Congress to ban MTR and to enforce legal requirements for coal mining in Appalachia.

Dear U.S. Congress,

We, the undersigned, are concerned about mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining and its effects on Appalachia's natural landscape and wildlife habitats.

Recently, a native woodsman witnessed bulldozers covering the entrance of a black bear den with debris, leaving a crying mother bear and her cubs trapped inside to die.

In addition to hurting bears, the bulldozing and explosions involved in MTR destroy flying squirrel, salamander, mussel and other native animal habitats.

Please consider banning MTR and enforce legal requirements for coal mining in Appalachia. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
Signera petitionen
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