Keep the Hildebrand and Opekiska Locks and Dams open!

  • av: Teresa Wright, What Fairmont Needs Is
  • mottagare: Governor of West Virginia Earl R. Tomblin, US Senator Joe Manchin, US Senator Jay Rockefeller, US Congressman David McKinley of the 1st District of West Virginia, West Virginia State Delegates representing the 43rd district; Mike Caputo, Linda Longstreth

We, the undersigned, who are affected citizens, herein petition

Governor of West Virginia Earl R. Tomblin, US Senator Joe Manchin, US Senator Jay Rackefeller,US Congressman David McKinley of the 1st District of West Virginia, West Virginia State Delegates representing the 43rd district; Mike Caputo, Linda Longstreth and Tim Manchin, West Virginia State Senators representing the 13th District; Robert D. Beach and Roman Prezioso, along with City and County officials of Marion, Monongalia and Harrison Counties within the State of West Virginia, to work hand in hand with the State and Federal government to adequately fund and continue to operate the Morgantown, Hildebrand and Opekiska locks and dams, on the upper Monongahela River.

This is necessary to support river commerce, recreation, and economic development of the Monongahela River watershed in West Virginia. The closure of the locaks will have a substantial negative effect on many businesses adjacent to the Monongahela River. Curtailment will not only halt recreational use, but will halt future development to the Riverfront, industrial development and commercial barge traffic.

Our concern is that if the locks are closed, there is a strong chance it will be too difficult and expensive to operate them ever again and any hopes of future commercial economic use will be lost. The effect will cause great harm to commercial and recreational users and to the communities and businesses that rely on unhindered navigation of the river.

We, the undersigned, who are affected citizens, herein petition

Governor of West Virginia Earl R. Tomblin, US Senator Joe Manchin, US Senator Jay Rackefeller,US Congressman David McKinley of the 1st District of West Virginia, West Virginia State Delegates representing the 43rd district; Mike Caputo, Linda Longstreth and Tim Manchin, West Virginia State Senators representing the 13th District; Robert D. Beach and Roman Prezioso, along with City and County officials of Marion, Monongalia and Harrison Counties within the State of West Virginia, to work hand in hand with the State and Federal government to adequately fund and continue to operate the Morgantown, Hildebrand and Opekiska locks and dams, on the upper Monongahela River.

This is necessary to support river commerce, recreation, and economic development of the Monongahela River watershed in West Virginia. The closure of the locaks will have a substantial negative effect on many businesses adjacent to the Monongahela River. Curtailment will not only halt recreational use, but will halt future development to the Riverfront, industrial development and commercial barge traffic.

Our concern is that if the locks are closed, there is a strong chance it will be too difficult and expensive to operate them ever again and any hopes of future commercial economic use will be lost. The effect will cause great harm to commercial and recreational users and to the communities and businesses that rely on unhindered navigation of the river.

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