Spare the Banff Wolf Pack after the shooting of Cecilia the Mom Wolf

  • av: Nicole Corrado
  • mottagare: The Honourable Catherine McKenna, Canada Minister of the Environment

On June 7th, 2016, Banff National Park staff shot a mother wolf after she stole food from a campsite. While she had been described by staff as "aggressive", she has NEVER bitten or otherwise injured anyone. The food stealing began in January, when Cecilia and her pack ate improperly discarded food left over by construction workers. While the food stealing continued, the park remained open. Instead of removing the human problem of food availability, or relocating Cecilia and her pack, the park decided to use lethal force against Cecilia. I ask that Banff Park lets the rest of the wolves live, and removes destruction as a tool for wildlife management.

Dear Banff National Park,

Please spare the remaining wolves left behind after you destroyed a healthy mother wolf.  Stop using destruction as a tool for wildlife management.  Killing animals only leaves room for more to move in.  It does not get to the root of the problem.

In 2009, a coyote in Toronto was nearly killed after he became human habituated.  Toronto citizens wrote to the city to spare the animal.  The coyote, nicknamed Neville after the street he lived on, stopped following humans on his own after people stopped feeding him.

Please consider closing areas of the park immediately after the first sign of human interaction.  Consider only allowing bear proof bins for all food and waste, to avoid confusion.  Consider relocating animals to a wilderness area, or, if necessary, a sanctuary.  

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