Stop Sponsoring the Iditarod

The Iditarod is a dog sled race held every March in Alaska. The dogs are beaten with a whip, forced to race when exausted, denied proper veterianary care and are often chained without proper shelter.

The Iditarod is described by the Iditarod Trail Committee and by the Alaskan media as an exciting contest of man against nature. What the descriptions do not tell us is the untold suffering of the dogs that often give their lives in this race. Dog deaths and injuries are common in the Iditarod, and when they are not racing, the dogs live under inhumane conditions.


From the Sled Dog Action Coalition: At least 142 dogs have died in the Iditarod. There is no official count of dog deaths available for the race's early years. There are no records kept of how how many dogs die in training or after the race each year.

Big name sponsors include Dell, Wells Fargo, Exxon Mobil, and Eagle Pack Pet Food. Consider letting these sponsors know you will not support their product until they remove their support from the Iditarod.


Muhtar Kent, CEO
Coca-Cola (sponsor)
1 Coca-Cola Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30313
Phone: 404-676-2121
Fax: 404-676-6792

The Iditarod is a dog sled race held every March in Alaska. The dogs are beaten with a whip, forced to race when exausted, denied proper veterianary care and are often chained without proper shelter.

The Iditarod is described by the Iditarod Trail Committee and by the Alaskan media as an exciting contest of man against nature. What the descriptions do not tell us is the untold suffering of the dogs that often give their lives in this race. Dog deaths and injuries are common in the Iditarod, and when they are not racing, the dogs live under inhumane conditions.


From the Sled Dog Action Coalition: At least 142 dogs have died in the Iditarod. There is no official count of dog deaths available for the race's early years. There are no records kept of how how many dogs die in training or after the race each year.

Big name sponsors include Dell, Wells Fargo, Exxon Mobil, and Eagle Pack Pet Food. Consider letting these sponsors know you will not support their product until they remove their support from the Iditarod.

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