Stop the suffering of animals in parco zoo D'abruzzo Italy

  • av: David Muir
  • mottagare: Parco zoo D'abruzzo Italy

On my trip to this zoo I was discusted! Animals were caged alone in dirty smelly cages, They were walking back and forward repeatedly for hours in a crazed mannor! Domestic house pet dogs were caged, One was alone with no food or water & Three others had cuts on there ears and were being eaten alive by mosquitos and other insects! They had no fresh water only a bowl of what can only be described as green goo that had not been changed in months!! These animals are suffering! I am a very strong person emotionally But the way these animals are being kept brought a tear to my eye, So please sign this petition and help me do something to give these lovely animals a better life.

Dear Parco Zoo D'abruzzo, I have started this petition in order to make some changes to your so called zoo which can onlt be described as an animal prison camp! You do not care for these animals and your only interest is to make money!
I can contacted several animal rights partys from the EU and I will not stop until some action is taken! I have many pictures of suffering animals at your zoo and the dirty water provided to them!

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