Demand a PERMANENT End to Palm Oil NOW!!!

It is most disturbing that the use of Palm Oil in our food and non-food products continues. Brands of snack products including Nabisco, Kellogg's, JELLO, Lance, Little Debbie's, Pepperidge Farm, Betty Crocker, Duncan Heinz, Freschetta, Land O Lakes, Bisquick, Hostess, Cole's and more continue to use Palm Oil, for which millions of hectares of rainforests in Indonesia are destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations. That means that for every product you buy from these brands, you the consumer are contributing to the murder of endangered species including orangutans, tigers, rhinos, elephants and more, while also continuing to aid in growing climate change!

WE CAN NO LONGER REMAIN IGNORANT! PLEASE STOP BUYING THESE PRODUCTS NOW! Simply look at the ingredient labels of these brand products and start messaging the corrupt CEOS of these destructive brands now! The more attention is given to this by consumers, the more we can prevent the destruction of all of Indonesia's rainforests and start taking steps to restore them before they and their indigenous wildlife are lost forever!

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