Revoke License of Tri-State Zoological Roadside Zoo; Remove Animals to Sanctuary

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack

Numerous roadside zoos have been presented in the media, coming under investigation due to the nature of care or lack of when it comes to the animals in their facilities.  Such a zoo is the Tri-State Zoological Park that is located in Cumberland, Maryland. Read more at

A revelation of a recent investigation shows that many of the animals live in total confinement, crammed in tight, filthy cages, some have a lack of adequate shelter and all are denied proper veterinary care.  Tigers live within enclosures with murky pools and the capuchin monkey was noted pulling out his own hair due to stress and frustration.  This particular roadside zoo has been under surveillance for years due to its chronic neglect of the animals and numerous violations of the Animal Welfare Act.  Yet their license continues to get renewed, which gives them permission to continue the abuse!

The effort in this petition is to encourage the USDA to stop the abuse by revoking the license of the Tri-State Zoological Park, which is a roadside zoo that is located in Cumberland, Maryland. They need to be banned from keeping and caring for any animals, sending all current animals to healthy, reputable sanctuaries.  You can support this issue by signing and sharing the petition, adding your own thoughts and comments in favor of the animals. 

USDA – I strongly urge you to revoke the license of the Tri-State Zoological Park, which is a roadside zoo that is located in Cumberland, Maryland. They need to be banned from ever keeping and caring for any and all animals.  The animals at this zoo need to be retired and sent to reputable, healthy sanctuaries where they can live the remainder of their lives receiving the love and care they truly deserve. Please be compassionate in your decision to allow the animals to spend their lives in large, naturalistic habitats that are suited to their needs, such as giving them the opportunity to roam, forage, climb, and play in vast habitats with their health and well-being in mind.

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