Demand Animals In Ex-Ukrainian President's Private Zoo Be Sent To a Sanctuary

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Kiev and Local Ukrainian Government

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the Ex-Ukrainian President’s Private Zoo Animals sent to a sanctuary to be properly cared for, loved and fed.

Now that Viktor Yanukovych is ousted as President of the Ukraine, there is concern as to what will happen to his private zoo of more than 2,000 animals. The local public zoo is not in the best of conditions and does not have sufficient space to take on any more animals in that private zoo. The welfare of the Ex-President's zoo animals may be in peril and indecisive.

After being abandoned at his winter estate near Kiev, visitors are now able to see first-hand how he lived. The estate contains a private golf course, fancy cars, a giant boat, a spa and the private zoo. It is estimated the zoo holds about 2,000 animals, such as deer, rabbits, ostriches, peacocks and antelopes, in addition to various pond-dwelling life like crayfish and more.

Aside from the zoo, Yanukovych also had a type of farm area with goats and cows that provided fresh milk along with pigs and sheep that were used for meat. He had his own special gardens for vegetables. All the animals on the state were treated with great care with good food and clean enclosures. Such good conditions are not present at the public zoos in Kiev. Non-profit organizations have stepped up to try to help keep the animals well-fed.

With inappropriate conditions and lack of space at the Kiev zoo, the animals would meet better care while in a sanctuary that could keep them healthy and happy. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the Ex-Ukrainian President’s Private Zoo Animals sent to a sanctuary to be properly cared for, loved and fed.

Kiev and Local Ukrainian Government – Ensure that all the animals of the Ukrainian Ex-President Yanukovych are properly cared for by sending all of them to a sanctuary. They have all the compassionate people needed to care for the needs of each animal, providing them with proper, clean conditions, healthy enclosures and have them properly fed. These animals all deserve to be cared for in a safe, humane environment as provided by the sanctuaries.

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