Urban Experiential Display Support

Dear Councilperson,

I wanted to express my support for the Urban Experiential Display (UED) legislation. I have read that the UED legislation was favorably received by both the Philadelphia Planning Board Staff as well as the City Council’s Committee on Rules as evidenced by a 7-0 vote in favor of passing the UED legislation.

I believe that the proposed UED locations along the Avenue of the Arts, the Convention Center and the Reading Terminal would be an enhancement to the streetscape and would certainly add excitement and vibrancy to our urban core! I think the formatting of the UED’s with their various forms of communication is interesting and that the revenue generated for non-profits would be a tremendous benefit.

I would like to commend you for your leadership and believe that support of the Urban Experiential Displays will enhance the City of Philadelphia as a world class destination for both residents and visitors.


Dear Councilperson,

        I wanted to express my support for the Urban Experiential Display (UED) legislation. I have read that the UED legislation was favorably received by both the Philadelphia Planning Board Staff as well as the City Council’s Committee on Rules as evidenced by a 7-0 vote in favor of passing the UED legislation. I believe that the proposed UED locations along the Avenue of the Arts, the Convention Center and the Reading Terminal would be an enhancement to the streetscape and would certainly add excitement and vibrancy to our urban core! I think the formatting of the UED’s with their various forms of communication is interesting and that the revenue generated for non-profits would be a tremendous benefit. I would like to commend you for your leadership and believe that support of the Urban Experiential Displays will enhance the City of Philadelphia as a world class destination for both residents and visitors.


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