HELP STOP ANOTHER TRAVESTY:- Oude Molen Eco Village threatened with mass development plans.

New regulations now state the SA Government no-longer has to pass Environmental Impact studies for urban developments!  This seriously impacts on the future of the Cape Town based Eco village. Now the plans for mass low cost housing initiated by the ANC Provincial Government can go ahead unchallenged!

The Oude Molen Eco Village is historically, culturally and ecologically unique and it would be a disaster to impose plans that would impact negatively on both the environment and local community. Those who sign this petition appeal to the now DA-lead provincial government to reconsider the previous stance of the ANC in favour of an incremental development program; one that is evolved rather than imposed by political agendas.-  We appeal to government to consider the longer term benefits and implications of this historic site rather than peruse short term vote-winning strategies.

The village has large, park-like gardens bordered by sensitive wetlands lining the Black River. It is potentially, a working model of a sustainable eco-village that illustrates the synergy between government, community and business to stimulate job creation, youth development, occupational therapy, environmental education, arts and micro-enterprise development.

Presently tenants in the village %u2013 artists, woodworkers, music studios, photographers, teachers, the frail-care centre (Robin Trust) and school (Gaia Waldorf), collectively provide employment for about 300 people. Approximately 500 people visit the estate daily. Horse riding and the local swimming pool are big attractions.

Oude Molen also has many problems- Squatters that have not been challenged by the officials; empty buildings are kept empty by a security team which over the years has cost the tax payer a vast amount of revenue; and the buildings need attention before they deteriorate even further. We appeal to the landlords (the custodians of this land), to deal with these serious issues and then evolve future developments in consultation with the local residents and the other major role players.

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