Stop Abusing Animals in New Zealand

  • av: Criselda K
  • mottagare: MPI New Zealand, UNO, Cruelty Free International (CFI), AFMA

Farming animal abuse has been become very common these days especially in countries where laws regarding animal rights are not properly enforced. I am referring here a distressing footage of a cow from New Zealand that was taken by Farmwatch campaign group. This cow was being dragged face-first through a muddy field after giving birth to its calf.

Her calf was also died after few minutes of birth and on the other hand, farmer also used clamp to get mother back on feet for 30 minutes. According animal advocates, use of clamp is not mandatory but if you want to use it then, maximum time should be 10 minutes rather than 30 minutes.

The worse thing is that this case was reported last year but New Zealand administrative didn’t bother to take any action against farmer. Even officials of Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) are unable to decide whether farmer was responsible or not. I, undersigned this petition to MPI and other administrative authorities of New Zealand to give serious punishments to animal abusers there. On the other hand, animal rights activists should also play their role to safeguard animal rights at international level.

Criselda Karpel – PR at Uber Promo Code by Rideapps

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