Boycott Chinese products until Donkey Slaughter STOPS!

  • av: Lucy
  • mottagare: General Public

Like so many thousands of others, I support the work of, and most likely have adopted a donkey from, the Donkey Sanctuary. The work they do in educating people about these gentle, hard working creatures is second to none.

Whilst we are used to seeing the abuses and neglect heaped by some on these beautiful animals, a new, more horrendous threat has emerged.

Beautiful, gentle donkeys are being purchased in the tens of thousands all over the world, and being shipped to China, where they are slaughtered and their skins used for their so-called 'medicine' - called 'ejiao'.

The Chinese cannot be allowed to drive another animal species to near extinction. Asking world leaders to intervene has not worked in the past, so, what I am asking today is that every person who likes and signs my petition, pledge not to purchase ANY product made in China until the Chinese pledge to STOP THE SLAUGHTER OF DONKEYS.

Please help stop the torture and slaughter of these gentle creatures. Share this petition to help it get even more signatures and to help spread the word!

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