Stop the massive slaughter of the defenceless Baby Seals

  • av: Ismail A & Patricia Losch
  • mottagare: The Canadian Government and the EU Commission to ban trading with Canada till it stop this massacre

There is no other nation on the planet more associated with clubbing defenseless animals than Canada ,smaching croos the wall the protesting of ten of thousands asking to stop this massacre against the defenceless baby seal ,the Canadian government permit this masscare and now there pathetic group of sadistic pedophagophiles troop the ice at taxpayer expense to once again crush the skulls of helpless infants seals , there are few animals on the planet as helpless and trusting as baby harp seals ,.anyone can walk up to them , pet them , tickle them , photograph them , or bash in their brains and skin them alive 

These beautiful and gentle creatures have the unfortunate status of annually suffering the largest slaughter of any marine mammal species on the planet
Every year, when the ice conditions permit and the seal pups start shedding their fuzzy white coats, a few hundred to a few thousand Canadian fishermen find their way to the floes and proceed to club, bludgeon, shoot, and skin tens to hundreds of thousands of harp seals. About 95% of the seals killed in the commercial seal 'hunt' are 3 weeks to 3 months old.

We hope toghether we could stop this massacre from happening again 

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Good news for seals
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has upheld a European Union ban on the import of seal products.
The ban was implemented in November 2013 but had been appealed by Canada and Norway.

“The mistreatment of animals for commercial purposes must stop altogether. This is a victory not just for seals but for the millions of animals that will be protected in years to come as a result of this landmark decision.
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