Save Montrose from the Waves

For years local and regional councils have 'fiddled while the beach, links and dunes of Montrose beach are steadily eroded. The town , its historic golf course and many low lying streets depend upon the dunes for actual survival. If the dunes are breached huge areas of eastern Montrose will flood permanently. The town will be cut in half. It is already 'surrounded' by an existing tidal basin. If we lose the Beach we lose more than Sand.

Uppdatera #47 år sedan
Dear Signers,
Thank you for support. We have MSPs interested, Nicola Sturgeon's office is aware now and well over 1000 people desperately want to see our Beach and Golf Course saved.
Ask your friends to visit Montrose: Ask them where their children's children will build sandcastle4s in the future. Ask your golfing friends if they are happy to see the golf course disappear to save some money. Keep signing.
If we lose the Beach, we lose more than Sand.
Uppdatera #37 år sedan
Hello loyal signers. Good news. One of our SMPs has requested a visit to the beach to see for himself what the issues are. I don't want o reveal any more until the visit is over but that shows our efforts are reaching the correct offices and ears. Keep encouraging your friends and relations and fellow golfers if any to sign up. All you need is a desire to Save Montrose from the Waves. We can!
Uppdatera #28 år sedan,_Angus

Read this. Year after year nothing happens. Act now this is our last chance.
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Dear All, Thanks for signing. After a week there are about 300 signatures. Its not enough to make a real difference. Please encourage your friends family and sympathetic relatives and friends abroad to help save Montrose from the waves. Send them latest Montrose review. we want to be well known . Thanks for support.
Doug Smith
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