Refund for Arijit Singh Concert

    Imagine paying expensive tickets for Arjit Singh's concert and the experience is as follows:

    1. Waiting in a super traffic jam for 1 hour while the venue is 08 mins from your place. Meanwhile not enough accomodation for parking based on capacity of tickets sold. Had to park on motorway 2kms afar.
    2. Doing super long queues with little to no indication of where it starts.
    3. You are supposedly in the gold/platinum/VIP/VVIP zone and you need to sit in a plastic chair which is not even properly aligned and labelled. There is no proper light and no one to guide you. The chair does not have any cover or cushion and you need to be on it for 3 hours.
    4. Most people infront of you are standing on chairs and even dancing and you paid to get good view of the concert
    5. People are changing seats and one hour after start of concert people are still coming. So basically you are constantly disturbed by everyone looking for their seat.
    6. You are sitting in an area which is not even covered (should have been as per advert) and you wonder how it gonna be if it rains soon.
    7. You are having the smell of all foods being sold just few meters away from you.
    8. The sound system is crap and the singer must surely be wondering why Mauritius is like this.
    9. Fights are going on with all the swearing and people are like 'asizer ta' and empty bottles are being thrown at those standing.
    10. People are carrying several chairs on their shoulder and putting them at undefined areas.
    11. No segregation or demarcation for the zones. I let you imagine the mess.
    12. Finally you leave the concert well before time and most of the crowd is disappearing as well. So forget the usual part of asking for a last song.

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