Georgia: Prevent Police Dogs from Dying in the Back of Cop Cars

  • av: Kevin Mathews
  • mottagare: Georgia Police Departments and Georgia Legislators

Four police dogs have died in the past month after accidentally being left in the backseat of hot cop cars. No dogs should have to suffer this fate, particularly those who have been trained and work hard to "protect and serve" the community at large. The least we can do is protect and serve them back.

Since two of these K9 deaths have occurred in Georgia this month, we're calling on both state legislators and police departments to make a change. Technology exists to prevent cars from overheating when dogs are present, so Georgia should spend the money to purchase this gear as other states already have.

If departments are unwilling or unable to pay for these vehicle accommodations, we call on the legislators to pass a law forbidding police dogs from being left alone in police cars so that - at the very least - officers are held responsible for these negligent deaths just like ordinary citizens are.

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