Save Marineland's Animals

  • av: Kelly Rogers
  • mottagare: MPP Madeleine Meilleur Premier Kathleen Wynne & Government of Ontario

The pix is Smooshie and her old trainer that started the campain to close MarineLand because of the autocities committed against the babies at MarineLand

After 12 years of working at Marineland as an animal trainer, I made the difficult decision to quit and speak out about the deplorable conditions and neglect I witnessed. I saw dolphins living in extremely poor quality water, their skin flaking off in chunks, and six out of seven harbour seals becoming blind or suffering severe eye damage. A baby beluga named “Skoot” died last month after being attacked by other belugas in a pool she should have never been forced into.

Bears are suffering at Marineland

Marineland ordered to stop burying animals on site

16) Junior the Orca at Marineland suffered in isolation & died alone

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