Stop the Closure of The Archers Message Board

  • av: Steve Rudd
  • mottagare: Maria Miller MP, Department of Culture, Media and Sport

We the undersigned call upon the Culture Secretary to instigate an urgent enquiry into the decision by the BBC to close the Archers Radio 4 Message Board on 25 February, to halt the closure, to keep the board open, and to publish a full cost/benefit analysis of the financial grounds for its proposed closure, given that the message board is a source of friendship, solace, companionship, help, advice and support for a great many people and represents a unique online community of the sort the BBC should be fostering, not closing, if it truly wishes to interact with its listeners.

Dear Secretary of State

We the undersigned call upon the Culture Secretary to instigate an urgent enquiry into the decision by the BBC to close the Archers Radio 4 Message Board on 25 February, to halt the closure, to keep the board open, and to publish a full cost/benefit analysis of the financial grounds for its proposed closure, given that the message board is a source of friendship, solace, companionship, help, advice and support for a great many people and represents a unique online community of the sort the BBC should be fostering, not closing, if it truly wishes to interact with its listeners.

STEVE RUDD and 1413 others

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