Demand Dunkin’ Donuts Ditch Styrofoam Cups NOW!

Dunkin' Donuts is able to quickly dump Styrofoam (#6) in cities that have Styrofoam bans. They alluded years ago in 2010 that they would be phasing out Styrofoam, YET they are still using Styrofoam in their stores anywhere they can get away with it.

Microplastics are literally poisoning our oceans and destroying the lives of animals all over.

We need to DEMAND Dunkin' Donuts STOP USING STYROFOAM NOW! If they can quickly adjust to areas with Styrofoam bans and offer paper cups instead, THEY CAN DO IT ALL OVER.

Dunkin' Donuts bathroom signage claims they care about the environment - Let them put their actions behind their words: NOW, not years from now!

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