Trap/Neuter/Release Strathmore on the Green, Middle Island, NY

  • av: Cheryl Caruso
  • mottagare: All residents of Strathmore on the Green community

We the undersigned insist that residents of Strathmore on the Green, located in Middle Island, NY, involved in a Trap/Neuter/Release program be exempt from any fines for feeding the feral cat population, as this is key to the success of the program, which in turn will help lower the population and make life more pleasant for our community as a whole.

Ferals cats live all over the country, in every landscape - including our community.  They live among their own in "colonies," and unless neutered, those colonies grow.  Trap-Neuter-Return as a program has at its heart an understanding of both cat and human behavior.  TNR can help cats and humans peacefully coexist by addressing concerns through mediation, as well as education and how to humanely deter cats from areas where they are not wanted.

Through community education and cooperation, the needs of both the animals and residents can be met.  A feeding ban will NOT address the concerns of individuals in our community and is NOT in the best interest of the cats.

The most recent notice dropped in our mailbox from the Homeowners Association states, "We are asking any resident if they may have an idea on how we as a community may rid ourselves of our feral cat problem.  In several areas of the community this has become an issue and we are looking for both a legal and humane way to solve this.  Thus far we have stated that any resident who is presently feeding these feral cats must immediately stop from doing so or they will be fined."   This "House Rule" needs to be revisited and changed.  

Our community wants compassionate solutions.   We would like to help in a resolution and work jointly towards an appropriate approach for both the residents and the cats.

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