Isabelle Was Murdered - Justice Needs to be Served
- av: Darkes Gray
- mottagare: State's Attorney Office, Marion County Florida
Isabelle was Murdered. Isabelle was taken to a county kill shelter and told that she was a stray when in fact, she was being boarded in ABCD boarding facility in Ocala, Florida. When a billing dispute occurred between Isabelle's owner and the boarding facility, the co-owner of the boarding facility took Isabelle to a kill shelter in a surrounding county where he left her as an abandoned stray and she was euthanized. Please help us get justice for Isabelle.
We feel that several laws were broken, including several Florida animal cruelty laws. We believe this was a calculated and malicious killing for no other reason than to inflict pain on Isabelle's owner. Please sign and share this petition so we can urge the Florida Attorney General's office to investigate and make sure this never happens again.
Isabelle was Murdered. Isabelle was taken to a county kill shelter and told that she was a stray when in fact, she was being boarded in ABCD boarding facility in Ocala, Florida and when a billing dispute accrued between Isabelle owner and the owner of ABCD boarding, the co-owner of ABCD boarding took Isabelle to a kill shelter in a surrounding county where he left her as an abandon stray and she was euthanized 2 days later. Please help us get Justice for Isabelle.
We feel that several laws were broken here including several Florida animal cruelty laws. We believe this was a calculated and malicious killing for no other reason than to inflict pain on Isabelle owner. Please sign this petition and share it so we can request the Florida State’s attorney office to look into this matter. Thanks, Don
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