Autistic Adults Deserve Support and Accessibility

    All autistic people deserve accessibility, care, and support. And while imperfect, some resources do exist for autistic children. Yet when these children grow into autistic adults, the well of support and resources available to them shrinks dramatically. But autistic adults are entitled to live full, vibrant lives too, and the ADA should reflect that!


    Sign now to tell Congress: amend the ADA to include better support for autistic adults!

     In many cases, the responsibility for care of autistic adults falls onto families, who often are not equipped to provide the care and support that autistic people need to live full, enriched lives. Even if autistic folks are lucky enough to receive the resources they need from their family members or loved ones, what happens when those caretakers get older, and are unable to provide the necessary and deserved care they were once able to give?

    The majority of autistic adults need some sort of support into adulthood and many are not able to work full time. But that doesn't mean they should be left with nothing. People are more than their economic output, they are people. This is a community issue that should be solved with community mindedness. 

    Sign now to tell Congress: support for autistic adults is long overdue! Expand the Americans with Disabilities Act to include better support for autistic people of all ages!

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