AMAZON is a global company that sells REAL FUR and CAT and DOG skin products as well as DOWN products for profit and without conscience. In the 21st Century MASSIVE global companies like AMAZON should be ethical and responsible but are not! The suffering, pain, cruelty and murder of sentient beings is WRONG! AMAZON 'say' they have a 'no fur' policy. In reality(after investigation) AMAZON do not properly police or monitor their own policy, so still sell hundreds of thousands of real fur products. Nor do AMAZON take any steps to ensure they are not selling cat or dog skin from China on buttons, gloves or mobile phone cases for example. AMAZON have NO ETHICAL TRADING or SCOURCING policies. The policies they puport to have are wholly lax and ineffectual. AMAZON should not be making money from animal cruelty and abuse! PLEASE HELP STOP AMAZON PROFITING from HURTING AND ABUSING ANIMALS!

Please sign and share this petition on your FACEBOOK page and TWITTER. I would like to ensure AMAZON change the way they operate, ensuring that nothing they sell comes from cruelty to and the pain and suffering of animals. 

Thank you.😊 wonderful humans for helping achieve this xx

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