This Dog Was So Neglected, She Had Maggots Eating Her Alive. Justice for Molly!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Lee County Sheriff's Office
An animal hospital in Fort Myers, Florida recently admitted a dog in such horrific condition, they called in the local sheriff's office.

A 16-year-old lab named Molly was suffering immensely. Molly was emaciated, weak, and had "maggots crawling out of her rectum."

Only the most severe neglect could have let this poor dog's condition get this bad. Sign the petition and demand justice for Molly the lab!

The vet on the scene knew right away that, based on Molly's condition, the dog had been neglected for a long, long time. It's gut wrenching to think about how much she must have suffered before she was brought into the animal hospital. But ultimately, the veterinarians couldn't do anything for Molly but alleviate her suffering and mercifully euthanize her.

Molly's owner must be held responsible for the suffering she felt. Her weak, thin state shows that she was clearly somehow starving, whether from lack of food or an underlying disease. The maggots present on Molly's body are even more disturbing -- maggots "feed on decaying organic matter," meaning that this poor pup's body was already decaying before she was even dead. It is all truly unthinkable.

While we don't know every detail of Molly's 16 years of life, the way she died tells us enough to know that her owner should be kept far, far away from animals for the rest of his own life. He watched as Molly starved, suffering, and rotted alive, so we must ensure that no other animal is subjected to the same fate.

That's why we're calling on a ban on animal ownership for the entirety of this man's life. Sign the petition and demand justice for Molly the labrador!
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