3 % Georgia Property Tax Cap

This petition request that our legistlators set a percentage cap on the amount of taxes levied against real estate property to a maximum level of 1.5 percent in any given year, as other states like Texas have enacted into law. https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor-abbott-signs-pivotal-property-tax-reforms-into-law
A percentage cap will reduce the number of properties being lost due to higher taxes by allowing families and business's to properly budget for this yearly expense.

Uppdatera #21 år sedan
The Legacy Resident Retention Program (LRRP) is a resource to help longtime homeowners living in Atlanta BeltLine equity priority subareas in westside and southside neighborhoods stay in their homes by covering the costs of increases in property taxes through the 2030 tax year. More than eight out of ten Americans believe a home is the best long-term investment, and LRRP empowers homeowners to leverage the benefit of rising property values for generational wealth-building outcomes.
Uppdatera #11 år sedan
3% property tax cap requested on WSB's "Word on the Street"
FF to 102:20 and listen to hosts Shelley Winter and Melani Kai comment . It ends at 108:15
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