As of January 10, 2015 the old Putnam County Animal Shelter located at 2105 Jackson St, Cookeville, TN was vacated and all animals moved to the new P.E.T. Care Campus, 2650 Gainesboro Grade, Cookeville, TN. The old facility now sits empty. Open Heart Rescue, Inc is a local 501c3 Non Profit NO KILL Animal Rescue/Sanctuary. I, Cheryl Vick, founder of OHR respectfully requested to lease this facility to relocate my rescue from 8 miles outside the city limits to the old shelter facility, which is centrally located in the heart of Cookeville on a heavily traveled road to gain extra exposure for my rescues to increase adoptions so I can save more lives. I met with the City Manager, two City Counsel members and other personnel to discuss this option. Linda Westin, President of the Friends of Putnam County Animal Shelter was also in attendance. Ms. Westin, after hearing my request objected, fearing if I moved my rescue to the old facility it would be in direct “Competition” with the new 2.4 million dollar shelter and would cause “confusion” to the public and be a “PR” nightmare. She advised me to go to Overton County and help the animals there. She stated that the new shelter would be able to handle any/all animal issues in Putnam County. The new P.E.T. Care Campus is a MUNICPAL KILL SHELTER. The Kill rate in 2014 was 50.2%. Half the animals that entered never left alive. Yes, the new facility now has more space and hopefully it will decrease the number of innocent animals killed dramatically, but over time the new shelter will fill up as Cookeville continues to grow and more families move here and they will be forced to KILL FOR SPACE. NO KILL RESCUES like Open Heart Rescue and others step in and help alleviate the burden so innocent, healthy adoptable animals can be saved instead of being killed. Because of Ms. Westin's interference, My only other option is to try to purchase the property. I am now asking, pleading, for the Cookeville City Counsel to declare this property as “Surplus” property and donate this property to Open Heart Rescue Inc or sell at a reasonable price that a non-profit can afford. This facility sits on a landfill, which IS an EPA nightmare for any interested buyer. The property adjacent is the Cookeville Mulch Site, which is not an attractive incentive for a business or individual to build next to, Soard Properties owns the 5+ acres directly behind the facility, which is marsh land and can not be developed and the railroad runs behind the property. Tax Payer money will have to be spent bull dozing and clearing the property if used for another city purpose. There is also a pet memorial garden on the property that was established by a girl scout to commemorate and honor all the animals that lost their lives at Kill Shelters.

Open Heart Rescue, Inc is requesting the opportunity to use this facility, (which will continue to deteriorate the longer it sits empty) which is currently vacant, for the intention that it was originally built…animal housing. The buildings and fencing are already there; I will make any necessary upgrades to the property, landscaping and curb appeal and make the site a safe haven for abused, neglected and abandoned animals.

Please, Please, if you care about animal welfare in Middle TN, sign and show your support for Open Heart Rescue, Inc and my mission to save lives. Ask the City of Cookeville to donate/sell the vacant old animal shelter to Open Heart Rescue, Inc. “To the world you are just one person, to a rescued animal, you are the WORLD”

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