Justice for puppy burnt alive!!

  • av: Animal defenders
  • mottagare: Interpol, PETA, Government of Slovakia, Deutscher Tierschutzbund, Government of Jordan

Attention! It is advisable not to watch the video, it's content is extremely violent!. Last july it was published on the internet a video where a little puppy is burnt alive:

This last action made on purpose among some people having "fun" about it. People that love animals are asking to investigate and punish the people that did this as well as to create and develop new laws that will severely punish those who act in this horrific way against animals. We are tired of living among this crazy people that amuse themselves against defenseless and innocent animals.

UPDATE 13/05/12

We received the following information about the case:

1. The video was posted on Facebook back in January 2011.
 2. The boys are speaking an Arabic dialect called "Shami"
 3. The boys talk about making sure not to burn down the orphanage or shelter which is probably the building they are in.
 4. It is believed the video came from the country of Jordan.
For this reason and for further research, it also includes the government of Jordan to the call for justice.

 Thanks to people who have collaborated with us!

This as all other cases must not be forgotten and must be investigated.

Please sign this petition and share it with your friends on all social networks!!

Last july it was published on the internet a video where a little puppy is burnt alive:


This last action made on purpose among some people having "fun" about it. People that love animals are asking to investigate and punish the people that did this as well as to create and develop new laws that will severely punish those who act in this horrific way against animals. We are tired of living among this crazy people that amuse themselves against defenseless and innocent animals.

This as all other cases must not be forgotten and must be investigated.

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