DEMAND Little Rock Zoo Send Sophie, Babe and Zina to a Sanctuary

On October 21st Sophie age 44 and Babe age 38 are two female Asian elephants who were silently transferred from Niabi Zoo in Coal Valley, Illinois to Little Rock Zoo in Little Rock Arkansas. There they join a 53 year old female elephant Zina. All three of these elephants have suffered a life time of slavery and abuse as performing elephants for the notorious Ringling Bros. only to continue a life of suffering while being held captive in a zoo.

Because space is so limited in zoos, animals such as elephants who are not able to roam and live by their natural instincts develop numerous health problems such as arthritis, foot disorders, reproductive complications, poor physical health resulting in boredom, depression, behavioural problems and many other illnesses or worst of all... death! 

These poor elephants have suffered enough and deserve to retire to a life in a sanctuary that will provide them with the space, climate and care they desperately need to live out the rest of their lives in peace, good health and happiness. Please sign this petition and urge Zoo Director Mike Blakely to transfer Sophie, Babe and Zina one last time to a sanctuary for a life they truly deserve.  

Dear Mr. Blakely,

We strongly urge you to relocate Sophie, Babe and Zina to a sanctuary where they can retire to enjoy a full, healthy and enriching life with other elephants that are free to roam and graze on acres of land in the proper climate and receive the care they so desperately need.

By keeping these elephants captive without the required space results in serious health issues such as arthritis, foot disorders, reproductive complications, poor physical health that inevitably leads to boredom, depression and behavioral problems along with many other illnesses and worst of all, death.

These three elephants have already lived a life of serious pain and suffering as they were chained up and beaten into submission, forced to perform tricks and entertain people against their will. They were trapped for years in the horrific world of the Ringling Bros. Circus. They were finally released only to be transferred from zoo to zoo. These animals have earned a proper retirement.

Please, we strongly urge you to relocating Sophie, Babe and Zina to a sanctuary so they can have the chance to live out a natural life as every living being deserves.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Uppdatera #111 år sedan
Thank you all so much for signing and sharing this petition. I wanted to give you a quick update to share a link of IDA's 2013 list of "Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants". Little Rock placed third and with it's horrific description gives me a real sense of urgency to reach our goal.
Please help spread the word and save zina, Sophie and Babe.

Thank you,
Amanda Lavictoire
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