Give Us an Outdoor Option at the Belchertown Annual Mtg!

The Belchertown Board of Selectmen has decided to hold our annual town meeting INSIDE on June 16th, despite risks to the health and safety of our citizens and non-compliance with state Covid-19 guidelines limiting gatherings to 10 people or less.

Forcing community members to consider risking their health or not exercise their right to vote is voter suppression. Going through with this plan calls into question their intentions for keeping the voting public away.

Municipalities across the region have found creative alternatives to hold town meetings in safe, inclusive ways. (See Sites Below) We ask the Belchertown Board of Selectmen to do the same.,604292

Uppdatera #14 år sedan
Great News! Our voices have been heard:
The Board of Selectmen is holding a special meeting to discuss this today at 3:00 PM. (Please attend to show your support if you are able.):
You can also dial in using your phone:(872) 240-3412; Access Code: 377-465-909
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