Help me demand accountability and transparency to our judicial system

    I am creating a petition for folks to sign and bring more awareness about some brutality that some police officers think they can keep getting by with. And then the justice system keeps covering it up for them. My daughter was recently incarcerated for a very small charge and I did not bail her out so she would learn her lesson. We sent her prescription medicines with her label so she could make sure and have life-saving meds, and we did not know until about eight or 10 days and she was not getting her medicine. four of these are major prescriptions and she started a serious detox and laid on that floor for days and days and severe seizures and detoxing and dehydration. She asked several times for water, and they kept telling her to get up and get it herself, but she could not because her legs would not work due to multiple days of seizures and dehydration. The morning she was supposed to appear in court, she cannot get up off the floor to get ready for court as her legs continued not to work. An angry police officer came in and grabbed her by her shoulder, so tight that it made her shoulder blades in the back touch each other. Therefore, causing muscular and skeletal pain and damage. But the worst part is she begged him not to drop her because she knew she could not catch yourself, and he did he dropped her and caused a serious concussion. The jail finally took her to the hospital, because they knew she was in bad shape, I had been begging them for days to take her anyway, because of her massive detoxing off of her own prescriptions, and her seizures she was having. They refused. All this led up to this angry police officer, causing her serious bodily harm and three more trips after the first trip to the hospital. A total of four hospital visits in four days. The first stay was 48 hours. She is still in post concussion syndrome, and this happened almost 2 weeks ago. We want change, we want legislature to appoint oversight committees, or something similar to stop the abuse in jails and prisons as well. Please sign this petition and share share share, I’m sure many of you reading. This is either suffered at the hands of someone who is supposed to serve and protect, or you know someone that has. We know there are a lot of wonderful, wonderful police officers, but then you’ve got a few that gives the others a bad name, and it is very sad. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
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