End Gender Discrimination in schools

    My name is Joshua King and I am 11 years old. I go to Sanger ISD and play in 2 basketball leagues, football, choir, got 3rd place in Chess UIL, and got straight As. This year, they are changing the dress code and state that "male students" can't have long hair or facial jewelry. I researched it and believe that goes against Title IX of the Education Amendment of our Constitution which states that dress code requirements can not differ based on race or sex. Dress codes are made to prevent disruptions to our education. A lot of my friends have long hair and jewelry and I know that it has not caused a disruption or distraction. I am living proof that long hair and jewelry does not interfere with an education and I believe the school dress code should not have gender stereotypes. This is not about kids doing what they want. It is about fairness and legality. I think a dress code is important but I want this story to be told to get support for all students to be able to attend school with a respectful, fair and gender neutral dress code.
    Thankyou for your time,
    Joshua King
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