End medical experiments on dogs at Wayne State University in Michigan

According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Wayne State violated Michigan state law by bringing at least 21 dogs across state lines without interstate health certificates or official certificates of veterinary inspection. The dogs were purchased from a facility in Virginia to be used in painful heart experiments, and then killed.

Documents reveal that Rogue, a small hound, was forced to exercise on a treadmill just four days after one of her surgeries. After less than five months, Rogue was euthanized. When the experimenters removed their equipment from Rogue, they found that she had a hole in her aorta and had been bleeding into her chest for four days. Rogue’s short life in the laboratory failed to provide any data that would lead to treatments for human patients.

Running injured dogs on treadmills for days is morally wrong. You can read more here: http://www.pcrm.org/media/online/dec2013/wayne-state-dog-experiments-dont-help-humans

End medical experiments on dogs at Wayne State University in Michigan
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