save james price point in the Kimberleys

 James Price Point, site of a proposed gas refinery, is an undeniably beautiful part of the world
The proposed Browse Liquefied Natural Gas Hub at James Price Point (known locally as Walmadany), 50km north of Broome, has created one of the most fiercely fought environmental and indigenous battles currently occurring in Australia. Despite the existence of alternative brown field sites (such as Karratha), the State Government prefers James Price Point even though it is likely to be a far more expensive option (an estimated $15 billion) for joint venture partners Woodside, BP, BHP, Shell and Mitsui/Mistubishi, and tax payers.

The James Price Point option is also far more pristine, biodiverse and ecologically significant, with a rich indigenous connection to country. The area is abundant with indigenous songcycle pathways, burial grounds, the Lurujarri Heritage Trail, calving Humpback whales, dugongs, dolphins, abundant fishes, coral reefs, seagrass, remnant rainforest, dinosaur trackways and breeding bilbies. The area is so ecologically and culturally rich that it was recommended for National Park protection by the Australian Academy of Sciences and the National Parks Board of WA in 1962; the WA Environmental Protection Authority in 1977 and 1993; the WA Department of Conservation and Land Management in 1991; the Broome Shire, Department of Land Administration and WA State Cabinet in 2000; and the Broome Planning Steering Committee in 2005.

If this project goes ahead it will create more co2 than is produce by the entire country of New Zealand, and would increase australias cabron emissions significantly.Perversley it seems carbon tax revenue for the govt as the 50 million tonnes fo co2 would equate to $1.15 billion in carbon tax revenue for the govt.  But this is aboriginal sacred land, and the govt has options of the pilbara region for this project which would be 15 billion dollars cheaper, with a profit rate of 4% higher for the pilbara,.

Please view and understand why the kimberleys must be saved from industrialisation

Hon Colin Barnett
iAddress: 1 Parliament Place, WEST PERTH WA 6005

Telephone: (08) 6552-5000
Fax: (08) 6552-5001

Michael Chaney
Woodside Plaza 240 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000. AUSTRALIA T: +61 8 9348 4000. F: +61 8 9214 2777. Mailing address: Woodside Energy Ltd.

PLease consider the Pilbara alternative to the James Price Point gas hub and save this pristine Kimberley coastline.
Consider the future of this ancient aboriginal land.

yours sincerely

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