Tell the USDA: Candy is NOT Cow Food!

  • av: Chris Miller
  • mottagare: United States Department of Agriculture

The past summer's drought has raised corn prices, leading farmers to seek cheaper cattle feed alternatives. To cut costs, farmers are substituting corn with cookies and candy, including gummy worms and marshmallows made with gelatin.

Cows naturally graze on grass, and corn is not a healthy part of their diet in the first place. Methane from poorly-fed cows may contribute to the environmental problems that caused the summer drought, and a further degraded diet of cookies and candy will exacerbate these problems. Feeding cows gelatin products which are made from discarded cattle parts is unethical in addition to being unhealthy.

Feeding cows a diet of candy is unhealthy for animals, the environment, and humans who eat products from poorly fed cattle. Please urge the USDA to raise cattle feed standards so that farmers can't feed cows a junk food diet.

To: United States Department of Agriculture

As you know, the past summer's drought has raised corn prices, leading farmers to seek cheaper cattle feed alternatives. To cut costs, farmers are substituting corn with cookies and candy, including gummy worms and marshmallows made with gelatin.

Cows naturally graze on grass, and corn is not a healthy part of their diet in the first place. Methane from poorly-fed cows may contribute to the environmental problems that caused the summer drought, and a further degraded diet of cookies and candy will exacerbate these problems. Feeding cows gelatin products which are made from discarded cattle parts is unethical in addition to being unhealthy.

Feeding cows a diet of candy is unhealthy for animals, the environment, and humans who eat products from poorly fed cattle. We urge you to take action to improve standards for feeding cattle so that farmers cannot feed them sugary candy instead of nourishing food. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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