Bears Katya, Klava, boar Pasha and other animals caged for life in st Petersburg Russia

  • av: Barry Kybird
  • mottagare: Viktoria Savrasov, director of st Petersburg circus & Governor of st Petersburg

Bears Katya, Klava, boar Pasha and many other animals and birds are 24 hours of everyday held in tiny rusty iron cages, measuring approx 2.5 x 1.5 metres. These cages are in rusting buses in filthy conditions at a dormant circus site on the outskirts of St Petersburg in Russia. They receive very little food or water, only a small appature for air, sweltering hot in summer and freeze in winter, never cleaned and no veterinary care !.

This is a barbaric incarceration of  these creatures, used by the Russians to promote their Olympic games during the 1980s., now  held captive in horrendous conditions, physically and mentally scarred  for life !!.

Mr. Viktoria  has it in his power to release Katya, Klava, Pasha and the other animals to a sanctuary. 

Please speak out loud and insist that Mr. Savrasov & the local St Petersburg government free Katya, Klava and friends. Please tell your friends, the Governor of st Petersburg e mail address is
Urge him to order the release of these dear animals. 

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