Stop Boiling America’s dogs for Dog/ Cat/ Farm feed

  • av: Amanie K9 USA
  • mottagare: USDA, Darling Ingredients, Usa mayors

The VERY well funded "shelters" (to the tune of hundreds of millions per year) are nothing more than "related industry of other operations or facilities itself or incidental to such rendering plant" - Houston code.
Dogs are mercilessly killed after average 3 days at these facilities. Their bodies are loaded up by crane to be hauled off to the rendering plants. These such as Darling Ingredients (the audacity) are massive corporations that can buy out a small competitor for 1.1 Billion dollars. Zero transparency on how much they buy these poor dogs for, an eye witness saw such a shipment being delivered to the Houston rendering plant, they told him it's a "small shipment" , 1000 dogs. That's less than 2 months killing at Just one "shelter", BARC Houston. That's an average of 50,000 lbs (Avg 50 lbs per dog). Where else will they get this massive amount of material ? How much are they paying per shipment ? Where is the audit is the hundred million or more Texas "shelters" are getting per year from taxpayers to continue with their merciless killing of healthy young dogs and puppies ?
(Ps, TX is not alone, second highest kill state CA finds Marcia Mayeda, LA DACC making more than POTUS per year, namely $450,000 salary plus benefits Yearly. Where are the yearly independent audits of these massive govt contracts on wh hundreds of thousands of innocent lives rest ..?

Further, as anyone with livestock knows it is Illegal to add cows to cows feed, or any same species being fed to the same species. Why does this not apply to our dogs and cats ? Rachel Rays Nutrish tested positive for dog Dna, but the judge is "urged to throw out the lawsuit" even with full Lab evidence. The WHY is simple- Americans don't know the truth.

Darling ingredients along with the Texas govt website states absolute transparency and accountability to the public/ taxpayers but this couldn't be further from the truth. What a sad horrific ending for Mans best friend, who can guide the blind, deaf, serve on the force, solve crimes, help autistic children speak and otherwise protect and love their families every single day. Voice your concerns Now.

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