Canada: Stop the 2021 Commercial Seal Hunt!

Despite the global pandemic, unless the 2021 Canadian Commercial Seal Hunt is stopped, hoards of seal hunters will flock together on/around the Canadian ice to shoot and club to death hundreds of thousands of seals. In Canada's Commercial Seal Hunt, seals, including baby seal pups, are brutally and violently clubbed and shot to death. Why? The seal hunters sell their fur and parts, which are unnecessary items and there is not a spoonful of scientific evidence to prove that the parts work (they are, presumably, sold as "medicine"), and because the seals, who are natural fish-eaters and have eaten fish for thousands/millions of years, dare to eat the fish that humans want to take, sell and eat. Unlike humans, the seals don't overfish the oceans and are not responsible for the declining numbers of fish in the oceans.
Some people would claim that the seal hunt is acceptable as it is traditional and cultural, but just because something is traditional does not make it moral. FGM, honour killings and foot-binding are/were all cultural and traditional, but does that make any of those things justified? Violence is violence, whether it be cultural or not.
Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Government, we call upon you to cancel this year's seal hunt and ban the Canadian Seal Hunt once and for all! The time has come! This unnecessary, cruel and gruesome bloodbath and horrific slaughter must come to an end right now! We will boycott Canada and Canadian goods until the brutal and horrific commercial seal hunt is banned for good!
Please sign and share and get as many people as possible to also sign and share and kindly encourage as many other people to do the same! Please also contact Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Government and kindly urge them to put a stop to this awful hunt!
Thank you.

Uppdatera #13 år sedan
Hello 👋,
Have you contacted the Canadian Government and embassies yet? If not, please do so now!
Thanks 🤩.
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