We demand to ban the abuse and killing of animals in Russia! To toughen punishment for animal cruelty!

  • av: Semen Samohvalov
  • mottagare: Police department of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Khabarovsk Krai Prosecutor's Office, the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory

Year after year, we are constantly witnessing the worst cases of animal cruelty in Russia. Skinner discarded animals from the windows, beaten to death, tied to cars and dragged on the asphalt at high speed, poison with poison (called doghantery), strangled with wire, use a variety of sadistic methods while shooting video and laying the network. This often occurs in the presence of children, but once reported in our media. These cases only become more frequent. If today this or that Flayer escape punishment or suffer it is not fully, tomorrow he will think the same about to try their sophisticated techniques in humans.

Most of the criminal cases never reach court, and those who manage to bring to justice, thereby yielding paltry fines or suspended sentences, is not that enough for such atrocities here:

The network has the footage and screenshots of the personal pages of Alina Orlova and Christine Hemp (Alyona Savchenko) from Khabarovsk, where they show a cruel mockery of animals. Members of social networks shocking footage that appeared on the Internet. In the photo two girls from Khabarovsk, tortured dogs and cats. Girls take on animal ads "give in good hands", and then mocking them, and the whole process was photographed, videotaped and posted on the Internet. With regard to Alyona Savchenko and Alina Orlova opened a criminal case under article "Cruelty to animals". After them, began to emerge the other names of the people who watched the process of killing animals, and actively assisted in this mainly Ripper. Someone admits this without hesitation, someone denies his guilt. One of the accomplices - 18-year-old was arrested.

We demand to punish zhivoderok on articles (Part 2 of Art. 245 of the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals), Part 2 of Art. 162 of the Criminal Code (robbery), Part 1 of Art. 148 of the Criminal Code (insulting the feelings of believers), h. 1, Art. 282 of the Criminal Code (incitement of religious hatred). Carry out regarding suspected child sexual abuse, there is a correspondence in which they were going to shoot porn with children and animals, a video in which they take the children on the playground, ask banal questions. We demand also conduct a thorough check of friends and involve all partners in the criminal liability. Apart from the suspects, demanding to inspect in relation to the mother of Alina Orlova, who was her daughter's group, which put the huskies to the photo with the corpses of people. Consider deprivation of her parental rights, that is, .K. the family has two more children.

Similar atrocities happening in Russia is not the first time:

* Egregious cases of cruelty took place in the Arctic. There's a local chef decided to make fun of the polar bear, throwing in food animal firecracker. The video, which filmed the incident witnesses bear writhing in pain, it is throwing from side to side, face and front paws are stained with blood. Bear died a painful death. Over-bear atrocities against torturers get off trifling fine.

* In the city of Kirov, street Northern Ring 9 animals were slaughtered - an adult dog and eight puppies. It happened in the vicinity of car garages and paid parking. About what happened to Andrei Karpov, who was trying to make a dog in good hands ... dogs killed - shot dead. At 15 meters from the garages excavated stumbled upon heating main. On the mountain land lay the body of an adult dog. Her head was folded. Puppy found in the excavation of a heating, they were barely covered with earth.

* In the Ryazan area: the boys tied the cat paws with tape and strapped to the belly powerful firecracker. Then one of the boys set fire to the wick. The animal died. Third party violence took everything that happened on camera ...

And this is not a complete list of atrocities exposed to publicity, including dismemberment, evisceration, mutilation, beating and killing. Such cases are huge
quantity! Why does every single episode requires a lot of excitement in the community to give the investigation under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation! All the above should not only immediately prosecuted, and firmly punished.

The need for the adoption of the Federal Law "On protection of animals from cruel treatment" is long overdue. Cruelty to animals and, as a consequence, to the people, becomes threatening to the existence of the company scale, because it remains completely unpunished. Laws on the protection of animals exist in all civilized countries. The importance of making it to Russia is difficult to overestimate, because it is directly related to the question of the moral and cultural level of our society. According to experts of the Institute of Psychiatry them. Serbian, over 85% of offenders who have committed serious crimes against the people, before cruelly treated animals. The same numbers - 86% - prepared by experts of "Scotland Yard" and the FBI.

A similar law in Russia will serve as a basis for amendments and additions to the criminal, civil, administrative, tax and other legislation of the Russian Federation, the Russian public is so interested in an integrated, full-fledged law, which would allow, finally, for many years to resolve many intractable problems.

For years, animal rights activists, activists sought the adoption of the Law "On the Protection of Animals", which would help deal with cruelty to animals at the federal level.We demand - to settle on a legislative level human treatment of animals in the biggest areas of use of animals by humans, such as livestock production (maintenance, transport, slaughter - are not regulated in Russia by any ethical and legal norms), fur farming, animal experiments with animals Entertainment (circuses, zoos, dolphinariums, fighting, running, hunting, photo business and advertising with animals, the use of film and other.). The use of animals in these areas is currently not regulated in the Russian Federation, is the mass of citizens with complaints of ill and requires a speedy settlement. As well as the public demands to add items that would prohibit the killing of stray animals, including shootings and the use of poisons (kurarepododobnyh drugs), would prohibit euthanasia of animals, other than experiencing unbearable suffering of the terminally ill. Enter the entire territory of the Russian Federation as a program of sterilization of stray animal population control method, chipping and registration of stray animals; provide free or subsidized sterilization of animals adopted from shelters or owned by low-income citizens; prohibit market trade of animals; to promote the purchase of animals from shelters; develop a system of high fines for abandoned animals. We demand to toughen criminal liability for animal abuse, to introduce strict public control over the breeding of animals.We kindly request to revise the dispositions of Article 245 of the Criminal Code. As well as the sanctions of the first and second part of this article. The crimes described in Section 245 of the Criminal Code, to admit having a composition of medium severity and type a sentence of imprisonment for a term of 3 to 5 years. The crimes described in the second part of Article 245 of the Criminal Code, to admit having a heavy structure and introduce a penalty of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years. Pets are not a subject of law, or participants in public relations, and therefore, they can not be covered by the law. Exclude from the Civil Status stuff for animals. Recognize them alive. Determine the status of the animal law as a living creature that inflicts pain and suffering due to the abuse of it! Sadists must be isolated from society! To toughen punishment for cruelty to animals up to 10 years in prison, as well as to introduce at the federal level administrative responsibility. To reduce the age of criminal responsibility from 14 years. Enter severe punishment for the parents of
animal cruelty of their minor children.

Russia still continues to capture the wild animal traps. On the Russian fur farms, animals were sacrificed banned in Europe ditilinom causing their painful death from suffocation 20 minutes. At the same time the Ministry of Agriculture said on this occasion: "The concept of" cruelty "for fur animals is not covered." In Russia, unlike some countries, does not allow the sale of dog and cat fur. In Russia, the more popular dog fighting, revived and bird fights (cocks, goose), which have been banned for unethical even in the Russian Empire in 1860. In Russia, there are also still "pritravochnye station", where wild animals set against hounds that ending injuries of wild animals, and often death. This is just a small selection.

At all times, dogs and cats are friends and helpers of man. However, until now almost all cities of Russia practiced shooting of stray animals, it is not uncommon in front of passers-by, children; cats poisoned with poisons and walled up in the basements. Pet owners thrown into the streets unnecessary or annoying animals where they are doomed to suffering and death. Progeny is in the garbage or at the door of the shelter. According to statistics, 75% of homeless animals - a former home! Animal protection organizations in all parts of Russia every day to receive complaints from citizens on animal cruelty. Shocking cruelty growth among teenagers.

Homeless animals - the result of overproduction pets. This is a problem of countries where there is no control over their breeding. According to the World Society for Protection of Animals WSPA one pair of cats over six years is able to give birth to 420,000 animals, and a pair of dogs - 67000 animals!
The main route of homeless animals drawdown - the introduction of mechanisms of strict regulation of breeding owners of their pets. Their uncontrolled reproduction leads to the fact that some of the offspring, sooner or later bound to be on the street, adding to the homeless army.
sterilization program has proven its effectiveness in all civilized countries. The scientists involved in population ecology, proved long ago that only the sterilization of stray animals allows to reduce their number to a minimum. On the contrary, their physical destruction includes natural mechanisms of self-regulation and leads to an increase in their numbers. In addition, animals are exempt from the territory immediately populated neighboring flocks or rats.

Our requirements:

1. The relations in the field of treatment of animals in the areas of human use of animals (animal husbandry, fur farming, experiments pritravochnye station, entertainment (circuses, zoos, dolphinariums, hunting, photo business, advertising), the ritual slaughter of animals, to be fully resolved. The use of animals in these areas is currently not regulated in the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Development of high fines system for abandoned animals, a serious criminal penalties for cruelty to animals (not only committed from hooligan motives and selfish).

3. Transition to a humane and effective methods of regulating the number of animals under strict state and public control. Namely:
3.1. A total ban on the killing of stray animals, including shooting and the use of drugs curariform ban on euthanasia of animals, in addition to experiencing unbearable suffering of terminally ill (experiencing unbearable suffering of terminally ill animals are subjected to humane euthanasia after the conclusion of a veterinarian) in the whole territory of the Russian Federation.
3.2. Implementation of strict state control over the breeding of companion animals mandatory vaccination and certification; Compulsory registration of companion animals, chipping; compulsory sterilization of animals, do not present the breeding value; Obligatory taxes for owners of unsterilized animals; compulsory licensing and higher payments for taxes and breeders 

3.3. Introduction on the entire territory of the Russian Federation sterilization program, chipping, accounting and registration of stray animals:
- Implementation of the entire territory of the Russian network of stations of sterilization and overexposure for homeless animals, the activity of which should be transparent and accountable;
- Providing preferential or free sterilization of animals adopted from shelters or owned by low-income citizens;
- Promoting the acquisition of animals from shelters;
- Market trade ban on animals and activities of middlemen;
- The establishment of schools catchers canine as an alternative to fishers-zhivodёram;
- Creation of an information service lost and found animals, animal rescue service;
- Establishment of a special department, which will deal with the problems of homeless animals.

4. The introduction of the provisions, which will be painted in detail the measures to promote the humane treatment of animals, including in educational institutions and with the help of social advertising.

5. The amount contained in companion animals is determined by the ability to provide appropriate conditions of detention and may be limited by a court decision if it is impossible to ensure the conditions of detention that are consistent with the requirements of this Act (namely, compliance zoohygienic veterinary and sanitary rules and regulations) as well as the systematic violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.

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