It's time to impose a gag order on Trump, and hold him accountable for his threats, lies, and attempts to intimidate those connected with the trial.
This could happen as early as today:
Federal prosecutors and lawyers for former President Donald J. Trump will square off on Monday over whether a gag order should be put on Mr. Trump to restrict his often threatening statements about his federal indictment on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election.
Gag orders limiting what trial participants can say outside of court are not uncommon. But Mr. Trump's status as the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, and his decision to portray the gag order request as part of an effort by the Biden administration to stifle a political rival, makes this request by prosecutors especially fraught and complex.
The prosecution and defense are scheduled to gather at 10 a.m. in Federal District Court in Washington. They will argue their positions on the order to Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who was assigned to the case when Mr. Trump was charged in August. It is possible Judge Chutkan could rule from the bench by the end of the hearing. (source NY Times)
Trump is not above the law, and we shouldn't treat him like he is.
Add your name, urge Judge Chutkan to impose a gag order, and let her know you will stand with her if she does.
Uppdatera #1ungefär ett år sedan
Good news, Judge Chutkan has issued a targeted (for now) gag order against Trump. Keep showing your support! Sign, share, and make sure this is just the first step! (See details on gag order at )