Maryland's Call for Action: Pornography is a Public Health Crisis

Porn websites now constitute 30 % of all web traffic, generating more hits than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. Research shows that viewing pornography has the same effect on the brain as drugs and most children are now exposed to pornography before they even reach puberty.
Pornography objectifies woman and creates unrealistic expectations for relationships, acting as a twisted form of sex education. Research shows that viewing pornography is linked to an increase in sexual violence and a decrease in self esteem and empathy among viewers. The porn epidemic has been called "the largest unregulated social experiment in human history" (Hughes 2014)
By asking our legislators to sign a resolution declaring pornography to be a public health crisis, we are creating a call to action, stating that this problem has become more than any individual or family can combat on their own. We need our legislative bodies, educational institutions, private businesses and community members to educate, prevent, and treat this growing pandemic. A resolution does not change any existing laws, but it does create a foundation on which to build change. Sign this petition, start the conversation in your community and in your home. Pornography is creating a public health crisis.

To The Maryland State Assembly,

Porn websites now constitute 30 % of all web traffic, generating more hits than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. Research shows that viewing pornography has the same effect on the brain as drugs and most children are now exposed to pornography before they even reach puberty. 
Pornography objectifies woman and creates unrealistic expectations for relationships, acting as a twisted form of sex education. Research shows that viewing pornography is linked to an increase in sexual violence and a decrease in self esteem and empathy among viewers. The porn epidemic has been called "the largest unregulated social experiment in human history" (Hughes 2014)

We are asking our legislators to sign a resolution declaring pornography to be a public health crisis and creating a call to action, stating that this problem has become more than any individual or family can combat on their own. We need our legislative bodies, educational institutions, private businesses and community members to educate, prevent, and treat this growing pandemic. Start the conversation in our communities and homes. Pornography is creating a public health crisis.

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