Stop Cruelty in the Meat Industry! Increase regulations and encourage reform!

  • av: Bailey Dolloff
  • mottagare: Governer, Mayor, President, other political leaders

The meat industry is wasteful and excessive.
An estimated 40% of slaughtered animals go unused. Slaughterhouses, for example, will often throw "useless" male chicks straight into the dumpster to suffocate to death.
Industrialization within the meat industry has lead to unacceptable conditions with animals unable to move around or even stand, in addition to expensive environmental hazards.
Dangerous, diseased products are created through unnatural methods, such as feeding corn to cows instead of grass and increasing spread of ecoli through unsanitary conditions where cows are left standing in their own feces.

The punishments for slaughterhouses that practice these selfish and inhumane tactics are cerrantly misdemenours and relatively small fines. Don't let them get away with this! I propose increasing punishments to felony status.
I also propose:
- regulating the amount of animals allowed to be killed annually in the United States, by species
-requiring a certain percentage of non-diseased slaughtered animals be utilized
-requiring animals live to a certain percentage of their natural life before being killed
- banning immoral breeding practices that render the animals immobile
-cracking down on issues of sanitation by raising standards
- reducing amount of leather, fur, and other unessesary animal products produced in the U.S.
The system as it cerrantly stands is unacceptable! Let's change that by setting regulations and calling for reform!

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